Panoramas for VR Viewing

Panorama taken with Cardboard Camera of Kilkenny Castle

Note 1 - Ireland has considerably fewer photographs; this can likely be attributed to spending so much time eating! 

Note 2 - I began experimenting with virtual reality panoramas on our trip to Iceland.  A post on this quick and easy foray into a simple version of vr is here.

Note 3 - One of my favorite "new" ways of documentation is shown here, in a series of 360 degree videos put together by the New York Times of six significant works of architecture by Pritzker Prize winning RCR Arquitectes.  This kind of immersive experience is something that I want to begin experimenting with in earnest.  I have been waiting for delivery of this 360 video camera from a Kickstarter campaign for over a year now (it's original delivery date was August 2017!).  Hopefully it will arrive sooner than later - I have some fun testing to do.  The other new technology that I would love to play with involves drone-based videos.  Like many municipalities, Augusta has a hearty number of airspace regulations.  I also need to be licensed to fly a drone (I want this one).  One test is taking 360 degree video from a drone.  So many things to try!

Note 4 - Speaking of drones, many drought-stricken cities have been replacing their fireworks displays with drone light displays for Fourth of July celebrations.